Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Change, it would seem, is inevitable.

...and so, I do so, without hesitation.

Not to appear contrary, but once again life has ushered in an opportunity to challenge that which I have stated not three weeks ago.

I had said I am becoming the change I wish to see in the world and I am.  I am a great role model for my daughter and son.  I am a supportive partner both in my marriage and in our business.  I am getting better.

What I am not is able to spontaneously generate enough funds to be able to do that which I set out to do three weeks ago.  I wish I could, but you know how that all works out... some allegory about wishes and horses and hands full of something or other.

In any case, short but sweet, I'm going to continue the promotions and marketing and the exclamation point riddled updates for Eggplant Literary Productions.  I also, however, will be working to obtain full time employment (really doing pretty much anything, as long as it's local and at a rate that will help pay the bills without killing me in the process).

Somewhere in there, I will be working on writing as well. :)

Speaking of, I've dusted off the revised outline of Gravedigger and also started working on an idea for a YA or MG story.  We'll see.

I love this life, I love my family and given the opportunity, I'd do it all over again!

Remember, keep the faith up in yourself (it's easier than belief, since faith doesn't need to be proven :) ), look for the positive, keep your head down and CHARGE!!!!


Thanks for reading and thanks for your support!
