Saturday, June 8, 2013


I've been debating writing about this since about noon-ish yesterday.

It's one thing to work hard, it's completely another thing to push yourself past your limits, physically.  I like to think I'm pretty fit.  I work out pretty regularly, I eat pretty decently, and aside from lack of sleep, I'm in pretty good health.

So, when I took this job, I thought, "Yeah, I can do this."

Well I'm here to tell you that, "No, I can't." 

The position I was placed into was called the "hardest in the plant".  I took that with a grain of salt, until I worked it.  There were five of us new starts, and I was the only one put into that position.  The others were put into a different section that had less of a physical demand.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about the position.  Sure, there are certain logistical deficiencies, but I'm not writing this to victimize myself.  I knew it would be tough, particularly given my circumstances. I just underestimated how tough it would be in relation TO those circumstances.

I'm here to say I've pushed myself too far (well past the point of pain) and to set an example for the few readers I have (and hopefully the larger numbers in the future) and for my family.  It's ok to recognize your limitations and to accept them. In fact, it makes you that much wiser to know where they are.

Be real.  Admit when you can't do a thing and move on.  Don't dwell on it.  Don't let your thoughts linger on it.  Just because you have limits doesn't mean you're a failure.  It means you're human, and not some fictional, superhuman character from a book.  Be real.  Trust yourself.  Know your limits.  I'm not saying don't test them.  We never know what we can do until we try, but be aware when you've gone too far and acknowledge it.

Yes, I am saying these things as much for myself as for those who read this, but in this realization comes understanding and focus.  Motivation.  Hope.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support.


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