Monday, March 19, 2012

A More Thoughtful Post

Ok, so here it is.  A more thoughtful post.

In the last four weeks I wrote over 40,000 words, compared to the last two months, where I wrote 20,000.  I'm sure that everyone has read numerous articles on how to be a better writer and all that, so I will try not to bore you too much with repetitiveness.

I'm also not at all deceiving myself that my work is finished.  Like I said in previous posts, this is my first draft.  Anyroad, I do have to say that this is the first time I've done anything like this and to sit there on St. Patrick's day, bleary-eyed (and hung over) watching the words swim together as I typed those final words, a sense of accomplishment flooded through me.  I felt successful.  I felt like I'd done something worthwhile.  That feeling lasted about two hours (I was asleep after that).

When I woke, I found myself thinking about it, knowing that the ending needs more work.  Then my brain kicked into high gear and wanted to start editing right away (as exhausted as I was, only getting a few hours sleep).  I listened to the advice:  PUT IT AWAY.

So, while I feel accomplished (though not quite like the rush I felt on Saturday night) I also feel a bit lost:

I feel that I understand now what it takes to get into the process of writing and sitting down and doing it.  I also feel that I understand how it's different for everyone.  What worked for me is not focusing on the things that were keeping me from writing, not looking for excuses not to write, but to just get it done.  I had a weekly goal, which I broke up into daily goals (but if I missed one, it was OK since I knew I could make it up by the end of the week).  Making a daily goal felt good, but making the weekly goal felt AWESOME!

Now to the feeling lost part: How do you deal with not going in there and editing it right away?  I understand that it needs time to gel and that the mind's eye needs some time away from it so that it can refresh and be more perceptive.  I mean, I know I should (and will be) writing the next one (I've got two pretty strong ideas to roll with) but other than that, what works to get the mind from thinking about that project while you're working on the next one?  I'll have to do some looking into it.  I've made lots of new friends on Twitter, I'm sure there'll be something on there with some advice that will work.  :)

OK, one more time and then I'll stop riding this scooter:  I feel pretty good at finishing the rough draft of my first ever novel, over 60K words.

Well, that's it for now, I'm sure I'll be back on later in the week to talk more.

Have a great night everyone, thanks for reading and thanks for your support!


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