Monday, February 13, 2012

Ayuh, it's a Monday

Total Word Count (approx.): 15.6K; Daily Word Count (approx.): 2.1K

It wouldn't be a Monday without getting something akin to a softball launched at (and connecting with) your balls.  Thanks Benvolio, but daddy was already awake!

Ok, on to today.  It was good, then it was bad, but now it's good.  I'm wearing my suspenders and feel pretty good about that idea so far.  I've also consumed my nightcap a bit early.  Love screwdrivers.

On to the motivation.  I am in love with Lie to Me and have found several valuable lessons with which I can apply to the mindset of my career.  Until I view myself as more than just a gamer with dreams of writing, that's all I'll ever be.  Not until I actually picture myself as a talented writer will I become so.  

There it is, black and white.  Of course, with all types of motivational tidbits, it's easier said than done, but I'm getting there.   Plus, had a great writing session tonight.  Over two-thousand words, good banter, and another fight scene (to be fair, the one last night was brief and more of a dream-memory sequence).  

So, that's it for tonight, I'm going to celebrate with another Screwdriver and then some echobazaar and then bed.  

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your support!


P.S.  Just a fun tidbit, 41 years ago today I was brought home by my adoptive parents.  


  1. Huh! Didn't know you were adopted. Just wait until the child decides to start practicing his boxing skills at you. Your ball sack is just at the right height for his speedbag work.

  2. Yup, adopted. Don't worry, I'll train him right!
