Sunday, February 12, 2012

Clothes make the writer... well... write... or something.

Total Word Count (approx.): 13.5K; Daily Word Count (approx.): 1.5K

So yeah, it was a day.  I got a total of five hours of sleep last night, broken up into three segments of two hours, two hours and then one hour.

Still, writing in the evenings is much more productive for me.  Also, and this may sound strange, but I had a thought that might help and it did (much to my surprise).  When one works from home, the benefit of staying in one's pajamas is enticing.  For me, to feel like I'm "working" I need to feel a separation.  So, I threw on a pair of khakis, my suspenders and a gun-metal grey dress shirt and boy did I suddenly feel the difference.

Not that you have to go out and buy a bunch of clothes, but if you take the mindset that if you're going to work, go to work (whatever that means for you), then it will help you be productive.  Hopefully.  It helped me.

My plan is to write in the evenings every night.  I'd like to get at least two thousand words a night (or near enough there) and take some time on the weekend evenings to add to that.  Going that route I should be at 50K in no time.

Tonight, I wrote a fight scene.  I love writing fight scenes.  The sense of tension between two adversaries, particularly two unknown to each other as they realize that only one of them is going to survive.  I love it.

Anyroad, that's enough for tonight, like I said:  Update daily (or nightly in this case).

Thanks for reading!


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