Thursday, February 16, 2012

Something Pithy Here

Total Word Count (approx.): 19.6K; Daily Word Count (approx.): 1.5K

Well, I was going to write something pithy here (and I did, just look up), but my exhaustion is taking its toll.  I didn't even feel like writing tonight (I just felt like curling up and watching another episode of Lie to Me).  Still, I got almost six pages  done (1531 words to be exact) and it was a fun (for me, not so much for the main character) scene to compose.  Got to do some voodoo-esque divination and the main character falls unconscious... again.  :)

Anyroad, feeling a lot better about things, rejection and such (which, by the way, didn't really bother me so much, but since it's a common state of affairs in this arena I thought it germane to reiterate my thoughts and feelings on it).

I'm also kind of psyched to hopefully take a night and spend two hours (instead of my normal one) with a friend to do some mutual(ly exclusive) writing on a regular basis.  

Once more, thanks for reading, and thanks for your support and if you missed my post about rejection, just go here.  




  1. So, when are we going to get to read some of this writing you're doing? (It's Scott, by the way. In case you didn't figure that out.)

  2. Great question! I'm glad you asked! Well, once I've finished the first draft (I'm about a third of the way done, aiming for around 60K word count for novel length) I'm going to do some editing and revising. Then once that's finished, I'll hopefully be working with a critique group,who will then get to read it, critique it and offer advice. Once that's through, more revisions and edits. After that, probably I'll start looking for some beta readers. Shall I keep you in mind?
