Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day!

Total Word Count (approx.): 36.5K; Daily Word Count (approx.): 3.5K

This will be a short post with absolutely no motivational speaking in it whatsoever.   Ok, maybe a little.

I took last night off with the knowledge that I'd get some work done today.  Turns out, I did, just not enough to put me over the word count missed last night.  Still, there's tomorrow night and Friday with some evening time, so I'm not worried.

I imagine that working on a deadline is much different.  I mean, I have a deadline, and I'm going to stick to that deadline (believe me, you'll hear me shouting for joy, of course, it may also be the alcohol since my deadline is St. Patrick's day and, well, I am mostly Irish!) but it's not like if I don't meet it I will lose cash.  It's a self-imposed deadline rather than an advanced-driven deadline. 

The thing to keep in mind about deadlines (particularly self-imposed ones) and goal setting (at least for me anyway) is that it's easy to take them out of context.  For instance, sure, it's easy to say, "Yeah, I can write three thousand words a day" but if you don't look at the other impacts on your life and free time, then this may be a road to failure.  Set goals for a week and then break it down by day, giving yourself some "wiggle" room.  Really.  Especially if you have plenty of other stressors in your life (like kids, work, bills, etc...).  Find a goal that's right for your lifestyle.  Understand where you want to be with your work and when.   

So, that said, I'm pretty happy I pushed through my exhaustion to get some words on paper.  If I can do it, so can you, the reader, who I am assuming has in interest in writing.  

That said, get that butt in that chair and write, dammit!

Thanks for reading and thanks for your support.


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